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The South Alabama Radio Club maintains a great working relationship with
the Covington County Emergency Management Agency. We step in to help
with and provide emergency communications when the need arises. With
our member volunteers, we are able to provide the Covington County
Emergency Management Agency with backup communications, or if the
situation calls for it, primary comms. Our station at the EOC has HF, VHF,
UHF and DSTAR capabilities.
Nearly all of our members are trained storm spotters and participate in the
SKYWARN program, providing important weather information for the NWS
Office in Mobile, AL.
Both of our repeaters, WC4M in Andalusia, AL and W4WEA in Opp, AL are in secure locations with
emergency power. Both are utilized for SKYWARN operations for full coverage of Covington County
and parts of surrounding counties. Anytime severe weather is expected, our members are monitoring
and are available when needed. During a severe weather event, our SKYWARN Net Contol station is
KE4HIE-John. He has been calling our weather net for many years. We pass weather reports to the
NWS Office in Mobile, AL and the Covington County EMA. Several of our members have direct access
to the NWS through the NWS Weather Chat system. Many of our members have weather stations from
Davis, Ambient Weather or Accurite, so conditions can be monitored and reported in real time.
We encourage everyone to have at least one way to get severe weather alerts. A NOAA Weather Radio
or one of the many apps available for your smart phone. We may also use our GMRS repeater to pass
along severe weather information.
KG4CNA Weather Station
KE4HIE Weather Station
Click on the links to see the current conditions at these weather stations.
Our Repeaters
WC4M - 147.260+ / 100 Hz Tone (analog) || W4WEA - 146.640- / 123 Hz Tone (analog/DSTAR)
N4GLL Davis Weather Station
N4GLL Ambient Weather Station
N4VFI Weather Station
KO4AIL Weather Station
KG4BLR Weather Station
Test Info
W4WEA Weather Station
N4SYB Weather Station
Our GMRS Repeater 462.650+ / 100 Hz Tone (analog)
W4KLE Weather Station