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Along with amateur radio licenses, several members of the club have GMRS licenses. GMRS
stands for General Mobile Radio Service. A license is required to use GMRS frequencies and
repeaters. There is NO test, only a $35.00 fee paid to the FCC. One license covers the entire family
and the radios are not expensive. GMRS is much like CB and is great for families wanting to stay in
contact when out and about. There are 22 GMRS channels for simplex operation and 8 channels for
repeater operations. The FRS service also shares the same frequencies but at a much lower power
level. If you want to know more about GMRS, this website: https://mygmrs.com has plenty of
information for you including how to get your GMRS license.
To help serve our radio community, we put a GMRS repeater on the air. This repeater is open
for all GMRS license holders to use. Keep in mind, you MUST have a GMRS license to use this
repeater. We do not ask for money or club membership to use this repeater, but ask that you follow
basic rules of decency while on the air, such as keeping your conversation clean (children could be
listening), be nice to others and follow the rules for station identification. GMRS, like all other radio
services, is governed by the FCC. GMRS rules fall under Part 95 Subpart E.
Our repeater frequency is: 462.650+. A 100 Hz CTCSS tone is required to access it.
We hope you enjoy our repeater! It has a estimated 35-40 mile coverage area, more or less
depending on conditions. You can nearly always reach someone, just throw your callsign out. You will
most likely get a response. If you have any questions, please feel free to email kg4cna@gmail.com.
Our Repeaters
WC4M - 147.260+ / 100hz Tone (analog) || W4WEA - 146.640- / 123hz Tone (analog/DSTAR)
Test Info
Our GMRS Repeater 462.650+ / 100 Hz Tone (analog)
Please note that we may use the repeater to pass severe weather information as part of
our SkyWarn Network during severe weather events.
General Mobile Radio Service